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 Il y aura des lots !

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2 participants

Messages : 5486
Age : 44
Localisation : Région Parisienne

Il y aura des lots ! Empty
MessageSujet: Il y aura des lots !   Il y aura des lots ! EmptyMer 2 Aoû - 1:59

Citation :

Participating players in the Friday tournament will receive a commemorative Gen Con first player token.
Players also get six copies of the extended art Way of the Clan card for their chosen clan. At the start of each of the first five rounds, they will trade one of these cards for one of their opponent's, learning the ways of the opposing Great Clan.
The winner of each game during rounds 2-4 receives a Keeper Initiate extended art card. For rounds 5-7, the winner of each game receives a Seeker Initiate extended art card.
Players that win at least four of the seven rounds will receive a glossy plastic version of their clan's stronghold card.
At the end of the seven Swiss rounds, the top two players for each clan by standings will earn the esteemed Hatamoto title. Any player who does not earn the Hatamoto title this way and successfully reaches the Top 4 on Saturday will also be promoted. The Hatamoto title awards incredible prizes, a reserved seat for purchase at the next World Championship, and recognition in the Hall of Honor.

Il y aura des lots ! Op175v_5_layout

At the end of the seven Swiss rounds, the top player for each clan by standings will participate in a Roles of Rokugan ceremony to choose the clan roles for the first Winter Court World Championship! They will each receive a commemorative stone role card featuring their selection.
After each game during the seven Swiss rounds, the player with the most honor will be recorded (the winner of the game wins ties). This distinction will be totaled by clan over all seven rounds and then divided by the total number of players who selected that clan to find an average for each clan. Each player from the clan with the highest average at the end of Swiss rounds will receive a set of metal honor tokens.
Players who progress to Saturday's cut of Top 16 single-elimination rounds will receive an engraved and painted acrylic honor dial.
The Top 8 competitors win a full set of each clan's glossy plastic stronghold card.
Players who reach the Top 4 are awarded a double-sided, engraved, wooden Imperial Favor card, in addition to gaining the esteemed Hatamoto title if not yet earned at the end of the Swiss rounds.
Second place wins a colorful finalist plaque.
The champion of the Gen Con tournament takes home a gorgeous acrylic champion trophy
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Hatamoto du Clan de la Grue
Hatamoto du Clan de la Grue

Messages : 889
Age : 34
Localisation : Lyon

Il y aura des lots ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Il y aura des lots !   Il y aura des lots ! EmptyMer 2 Aoû - 2:20

Han ce cadre, il irait tellement bien sur un mur derrière moi pendant les futures vidéos... :p
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Messages : 5486
Age : 44
Localisation : Région Parisienne

Il y aura des lots ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Il y aura des lots !   Il y aura des lots ! EmptyMer 2 Aoû - 2:35

Mouais je sais pas... Ton émission s'appelle "Vide et Eau" et là, on est plutôt sur du "Terre et Feu" comme ambiance...

Ca colle pas. Rolling Eyes
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Hatamoto du Clan de la Grue
Hatamoto du Clan de la Grue

Messages : 889
Age : 34
Localisation : Lyon

Il y aura des lots ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Il y aura des lots !   Il y aura des lots ! EmptyMer 2 Aoû - 2:40

Hahaha^^ M'en fous, un nom ca se change, un cadre comme ca... Pas trop^^
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MessageSujet: Re: Il y aura des lots !   Il y aura des lots ! Empty

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Il y aura des lots !
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