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Tag 131 sur La Légende des 5 Anneaux - JCE Lion_n10Sujet: Kyuden Isawa avec une pincée de Maho

Réponses: 0
Vues: 1791

Rechercher dans: Decks   Tag 131 sur La Légende des 5 Anneaux - JCE EmptySujet: Kyuden Isawa avec une pincée de Maho    Tag 131 sur La Légende des 5 Anneaux - JCE EmptyJeu 26 Juil - 21:23

Voici un petit deck phoenix a améliorer avec vos conseils. La combo Gunzo et Fushicho me fait rire donc je tente.
Le deck joue sur les anneaux Air et Terre car le maho ca coute en honneur .
Je me tâte encore sur Kaito Kosori à cause de son cout ?

Deck Clan: Phoenix

Total Cards: (85)

Total Conflict: (40) Total Dynasty: (40)

Total Influence: (13/13)

1x Kyūden Isawa (Disciples of the Void #1)

1x Keeper of Water (Core Set #217A)

Province: (5)  
Air (1/1) Earth (1/1) Fire (1/1) Void (1/1) Water (1/1)  
1x Along the River of Gold (Meditations on the Ephemeral #101)
1x Manicured Garden (Core Set #19)
1x Public Forum (Into the Forbidden City #42)
1x Kuroi Mori (Core Set #25)
1x Meditations on the Tao (Core Set #20)

Character [Dynasty]: (39)  
2x Asako Azunami (The Ebb and Flow #66)
3x Asako Tsuki (Meditations on the Ephemeral #107)
3x Ethereal Dreamer (All and Nothing #89)
3x Fushichō (Disciples of the Void #11)
2x Isawa Kaede (Tears of Amaterasu #9)
3x Isawa Tadaka (Disciples of the Void #10)
3x Isawa Uona (Breath of the Kami #8)
2x Kudaka (Breath of the Kami #13)
3x Master of Gisei Toshi (Fate Has No Secrets #88)
2x Miya Mystic (Core Set #125)
3x Naive Student (Core Set #81)
3x Solemn Scholar (Core Set #83)
3x Adept of the Waves (Core Set #84)

Holding: (5)  
3x Forgotten Library (Core Set #94)
1x The Imperial Palace (The Chrysanthemum Throne #72)
1x Kanjo District (Meditations on the Ephemeral #108)

Character [Conflict]: (4/10)  
2x Seeker of Knowledge (Core Set #171)
2x Stoic Gunsō (Core Set #131)

Attachment: (6)  
3x Cloud the Mind (Core Set #202)
3x Reprieve (Core Set #132)

Event: (30)  
2x All and Nothing (All and Nothing #95)
1x Banzai! (Core Set #204)
2x Benten’s Touch (Into the Forbidden City #55)
2x Censure (Into the Forbidden City #60)
3x Charge! (Core Set #210)
3x Clarity of Purpose (Disciples of the Void #23)
3x Court Games (Core Set #206)
2x Display of Power (Core Set #179)
1x Fight On (The Ebb and Flow #72)
2x Know the World (Core Set #178)
3x Spreading the Darkness (Tainted Lands #32)
2x Wholeness of the World (Disciples of the Void #22)
3x Supernatural Storm (Core Set #175)
1x Oracle of Stone (Tainted Lands #37)
Tag 131 sur La Légende des 5 Anneaux - JCE Lion_n10Sujet: Crabe/Licorne Cycle 1 - Cherche conseils

Réponses: 24
Vues: 2746

Rechercher dans: Decks   Tag 131 sur La Légende des 5 Anneaux - JCE EmptySujet: Crabe/Licorne Cycle 1 - Cherche conseils    Tag 131 sur La Légende des 5 Anneaux - JCE EmptyVen 29 Déc - 9:53
Merci pour vos réponses. Je vais essayer de modifier ça dans la journée.

Edit : Voici ma nouvelle liste.

Deck Clan: Crab

Total Cards: (85)

Total Conflict: (40) Total Dynasty: (40)

Total Influence: (13/13)

1x Shiro Nishiyama (Core Set #1)

1x Keeper of Earth (Core Set #215A)

Province: (5)
Air (1/1) Earth (1/1) Fire (1/1) Void (1/1) Water (1/1)
1x Before the Throne (The Chrysanthemum Throne #61)
1x Meditations on the Tao (Core Set #20)
1x Pilgrimage (Core Set #22)
1x Public Forum (Into the Forbidden City #42)
1x Rally to the Cause (Core Set #23)

Character [Dynasty]: (32)
3x Borderlands Defender (Core Set #31)
3x Crisis Breaker (Fate Has No Secrets #82)
3x Hida Guardian (Core Set #26)
3x Hida Kisada (Core Set #37)
3x Hiruma Yōjimbō (Core Set #28)
3x Kaiu Envoy (Core Set #27)
3x Kaiu Shuichi (Core Set #36)
3x Keeper Initiate (Core Set #124)
3x Shrewd Yasuki (Core Set #29)
2x Steadfast Witch Hunter (Core Set #35)
3x Vanguard Warrior (Core Set #30)

Character [Conflict]: (4/10)
2x Hiruma Skirmisher (Into the Forbidden City #50)
2x Stoic Gunsō (Core Set #131)

Attachment: (15)
2x Finger of Jade (Tears of Amaterasu #20)
2x Ornate Fan (Core Set #201)
3x Reprieve (Core Set #132)
3x Spyglass (Core Set #193)
2x Talisman of the Sun (Meditations on the Ephemeral #119)
3x Watch Commander (Core Set #133)

Event: (21)
2x Assassination (Core Set #203)
3x Banzai! (Core Set #204)
3x Charge! (Core Set #210)
3x Gaijin Customs (The Chrysanthemum Throne #79)
3x Rebuild (Core Set #136)
3x The Mountain Does Not Fall (Core Set #138)
2x Waning Hostilities (Fate Has No Secrets #100)
2x Way of the Crab (Core Set #137)

Holding: (Cool
2x Favorable Ground (Core Set #128)
2x Funeral Pyre (Core Set #39)
3x Iron Mine (Meditations on the Ephemeral #103)
1x Karada District (Tears of Amaterasu #4)
Tag 131 sur La Légende des 5 Anneaux - JCE Lion_n10Sujet: Crabe/Licorne Cycle 1 - Cherche conseils

Réponses: 24
Vues: 2746

Rechercher dans: Decks   Tag 131 sur La Légende des 5 Anneaux - JCE EmptySujet: Crabe/Licorne Cycle 1 - Cherche conseils    Tag 131 sur La Légende des 5 Anneaux - JCE EmptyVen 22 Déc - 20:47
En suivant vos conseils, voici la nouvelle version de mon deck :

Deck Clan: Crab

Total Cards: (85)

Total Conflict: (40) Total Dynasty: (40)

Total Influence: (13/13)

1x Shiro Nishiyama (Core Set #1)

1x Keeper of Earth (Core Set #215A)

Province: (5)  
Air (1/1) Earth (1/1) Fire (1/1) Void (1/1) Water (1/1)  
1x Before the Throne (The Chrysanthemum Throne #61)
1x Meditations on the Tao (Core Set #20)
1x Public Forum (Into the Forbidden City #42)
1x Rally to the Cause (Core Set #23)
1x Shameful Display (Core Set #24)

Character [Dynasty]: (33)  
3x Crisis Breaker (Fate Has No Secrets #82)
3x Hida Kisada (Core Set #37)
3x Hiruma Yōjimbō (Core Set #28)
3x Kaiu Envoy (Core Set #27)
3x Kaiu Shuichi (Core Set #36)
3x Keeper Initiate (Core Set #124)
3x Shrewd Yasuki (Core Set #29)
3x Staunch Hida (Tears of Amaterasu #3)
3x Steadfast Witch Hunter (Core Set #35)
3x Vanguard Warrior (Core Set #30)
3x Borderlands Defender (Core Set #31)

Character [Conflict]: (7/10)  
2x Goblin Sneak (Tears of Amaterasu #19)
2x Hiruma Skirmisher (Into the Forbidden City #50)
1x Iuchi Wayfinder (Core Set #190)
2x Stoic Gunsō (Core Set #131)

Attachment: (15)  
2x Finger of Jade (Tears of Amaterasu #20)
2x Ornate Fan (Core Set #201)
3x Reprieve (Core Set #132)
3x Spyglass (Core Set #193)
2x Talisman of the Sun (Meditations on the Ephemeral #119)
3x Watch Commander (Core Set #133)

Event: (18)  
2x Assassination (Core Set #203)
3x Banzai! (Core Set #204)
2x Charge! (Core Set #210)
2x Gaijin Customs (The Chrysanthemum Throne #79)
2x Rebuild (Core Set #136)
3x The Mountain Does Not Fall (Core Set #138)
2x Waning Hostilities (Fate Has No Secrets #100)
2x Way of the Crab (Core Set #137)

Holding: (7)  
2x Favorable Ground (Core Set #128)
2x Funeral Pyre (Core Set #39)
2x Iron Mine (Meditations on the Ephemeral #103)
1x Karada District (Tears of Amaterasu #4)

Je ne pourrais pas le tester avant mercredi, donc si vous avez d'autres conseils, je prends.
Tag 131 sur La Légende des 5 Anneaux - JCE Lion_n10Sujet: Crabe/Licorne Cycle 1 - Cherche conseils

Réponses: 24
Vues: 2746

Rechercher dans: Decks   Tag 131 sur La Légende des 5 Anneaux - JCE EmptySujet: Crabe/Licorne Cycle 1 - Cherche conseils    Tag 131 sur La Légende des 5 Anneaux - JCE EmptyVen 22 Déc - 13:46
Salut à tous !

Maintenant que le cycle est complet j'ai ressorti mon deck core set que je voudrais améliorer. C'est un classique Crabe avec un peu de Licorne. Je joue un peu avec les sacrifices, mais pas trop. Je ne jouais pas Rebuilt, mais je pense que ça peut aider, alors je viens de l'ajouter. J'aurais voulu jouer un deck aggro, mais je ne pense pas que les Crabes soient les mieux placés pour ça. Du coup, je compte défendre avec des petits pinpins et taper avec quelques gros thons.

Mon problème est que j'aimerais descendre à 40 cartes en conflit et que je ne sais pas quoi enlever. Je prends donc tous les conseils.

Merci !

Voici où j'en suis :

Deck Clan: Crab

Total Cards: (90)

Total Conflict: (45) Total Dynasty: (40)

Total Influence: (13/13)

1x Shiro Nishiyama (Core Set #1)

1x Keeper of Earth (Core Set #215A)

Province: (5)  
Air (1/1) Earth (1/1) Fire (1/1) Void (1/1) Water (1/1)  
1x Before the Throne (The Chrysanthemum Throne #61)
1x Meditations on the Tao (Core Set #20)
1x Public Forum (Into the Forbidden City #42)
1x Rally to the Cause (Core Set #23)
1x Shameful Display (Core Set #24)

Character [Dynasty]: (43)  
3x Crisis Breaker (Fate Has No Secrets #82)
3x Hida Kisada (Core Set #37)
3x Hiruma Yōjimbō (Core Set #28)
3x Kaiu Envoy (Core Set #27)
3x Kaiu Shuichi (Core Set #36)
3x Keeper Initiate (Core Set #124)
2x Miya Mystic (Core Set #125)
3x Shrewd Yasuki (Core Set #29)
2x Staunch Hida (Tears of Amaterasu #3)
3x Steadfast Witch Hunter (Core Set #35)
3x Vanguard Warrior (Core Set #30)
2x Vengeful Berserker (Core Set #33)

Character [Conflict]: (10/10)  
2x Goblin Sneak (Tears of Amaterasu #19)
2x Hiruma Ambusher (Core Set #130)
3x Hiruma Skirmisher (Into the Forbidden City #50)
1x Iuchi Wayfinder (Core Set #190)
2x Stoic Gunsō (Core Set #131)

Attachment: (17)  
2x Fine Katana (Core Set #200)
2x Finger of Jade (Tears of Amaterasu #20)
2x Ornate Fan (Core Set #201)
3x Reprieve (Core Set #132)
3x Spyglass (Core Set #193)
2x Talisman of the Sun (Meditations on the Ephemeral #119)
3x Watch Commander (Core Set #133)

Event: (18)  
2x Assassination (Core Set #203)
3x Banzai! (Core Set #204)
2x Charge! (Core Set #210)
2x Gaijin Customs (The Chrysanthemum Throne #79)
2x Rebuild (Core Set #136)
3x The Mountain Does Not Fall (Core Set #138)
2x Waning Hostilities (Fate Has No Secrets #100)
2x Way of the Crab (Core Set #137)

Holding: (7)  
2x Favorable Ground (Core Set #128)
2x Funeral Pyre (Core Set #39)
2x Iron Mine (Meditations on the Ephemeral #103)
1x Karada District (Tears of Amaterasu #4)
Tag 131 sur La Légende des 5 Anneaux - JCE Lion_n10Sujet: Deck du tournois de Bussy-Saint-Georges

Réponses: 0
Vues: 2171

Rechercher dans: Decks   Tag 131 sur La Légende des 5 Anneaux - JCE EmptySujet: Deck du tournois de Bussy-Saint-Georges    Tag 131 sur La Légende des 5 Anneaux - JCE EmptyJeu 23 Nov - 19:30
A vos commentaires:

Deck Created with CardGameDB.com Legend of the Five Rings Deckbuilder

Deck Clan: Crab

Total Cards: (85)

Total Conflict: (40) Total Dynasty: (40)

Total Influence: (12/13)

1x Shiro Nishiyama (Core Set #1)

1x Keeper of Earth (Core Set #215A)

Province: (5)
Air (1/1) Earth (1/1) Fire (1/1) Void (1/1) Water (1/1)
1x Defend the Wall (Core Set #8)
1x Manicured Garden (Core Set #19)
1x Meditations on the Tao (Core Set #20)
1x Pilgrimage (Core Set #22)
1x Rally to the Cause (Core Set #23)

Character [Dynasty]: (37)
3x Borderlands Defender (Core Set #31)
3x Hida Guardian (Core Set #26)
3x Hida Kisada (Core Set #37)
1x Hida Tomonatsu (Core Set #34)
3x Hiruma Yōjimbō (Core Set #28)
3x Intimidating Hida (Core Set #32)
3x Kaiu Envoy (Core Set #27)
3x Kaiu Shuichi (Core Set #36)
3x Keeper Initiate (Core Set #124)
3x Shrewd Yasuki (Core Set #29)
3x Steadfast Witch Hunter (Core Set #35)
3x Vanguard Warrior (Core Set #30)

Character [Conflict]: (3/10)
3x Stoic Gunsō (Core Set #131)

Attachment: (12)
3x Fine Katana (Core Set #200)
3x Ornate Fan (Core Set #201)
3x Reprieve (Core Set #132)
3x Watch Commander (Core Set #133)

Event: (25)
2x Assassination (Core Set #203)
3x Banzai! (Core Set #204)
3x Charge! (Core Set #210)
3x Court Games (Core Set #206)
1x Good Omen (Core Set #208)
3x Let Go (Core Set #155)
3x Mirumoto’s Fury (Core Set #159)
2x Rebuild (Core Set #136)
2x Rout (Core Set #213)
3x The Mountain Does Not Fall (Core Set #138)

Holding: (6)
1x Borderlands Fortifications (Core Set #38)
2x Favorable Ground (Core Set #128)
3x Imperial Storehouse (Core Set #129)
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