J'ai peut être mal cherché mais je n'ai pas trouvé de sujet parlant de ceci :
Un cancel sur une carte comme Assassination ou Way of The Crab semble forcer le joueur qui est victime du cancel à perdre 3 honneur ou à sacrifier une créature avant que la carte ne soit annulée.
J'aurais aimé avoir confirmation.
J'ai trouvé ceci dans les autres posts :
Initiating Abilities/ Playing Cards
Whenever a player wishes to play a card or initiate a triggered ability, that player first declares his or her intent (and shows the card to be used, if necessary).
There are two preliminary confirmations that must be made before the process may begin. These are:
1. Check play restrictions and verify the existence of eligible targets: can the card be played, or the ability initiated, at this time?
If the play restrictions are not met, or there are no eligible targets for the ability, the process cannot proceed.
2. Determine the cost (or costs, if multiple costs are required)
to play the card or initiate the ability. If it is established that the cost (taking modifiers into account) can be paid, proceed with the remaining steps of this sequence.
Once each of the preliminary confirmations has been made, follow these steps, in order:
3. Apply any modifiers to the cost(s).
4. Pay the cost(s).
5. Choose target(s), if applicable. Any pre-effect instructions to “select” among multiple options in the ability are made at this time as well.
6. The card attempts to enter play, or the effects of the ability attempt to initiate. An interrupt ability that cancels this initiation may be used at this time.
7. The effects of the ability (if not canceled in step 6) complete their initiation, and resolve.
Interrupts and reactions may be used throughout this process as normal, should their triggering conditions occur.
Est ce que la perte des 3 points d'honneur et le sacrifice correspondent au "cost" ou à "effects of the ability" ?
Merci pour la réponse.